Cruising ~ The Cat’s Meow Style ~ NOT Boat Work

November – December 2004



Once again, it was necessary for Robin to travel to CA and to AZ in November. These trips often are quite stressful, going from the relative tranquility of Mexico (especially the Baja) to the States. It is typically a time of too much to do in too little time, and this trip was no exception. After flying to Tijuana and finally (!!) getting across the border by bus, being found by Sheri (thanks Sheri!!!), and heading out the next day for Nevada, Robin was pooped. But she had a grand time re-uniting with old Hurricane Gulch YC pals Barbara and Dwight at their Las Vegas home ~ she had the opportunity to sleep in the “Caesar’s Room” again! After doing the DMV doe-see-doe to get the car registered, Robin had a really spectacular evening with these friends at a Greek restaurant and hooka room!

Dining with Las Vegas pals Dwight and Barbara


Then it was on to see Summerwind friends Stephanie and Bill at their temporary home in Prescott, where Steph had found the new rattan furniture for the TCM lanai room…… Finally, it was time to get to work back at the school district offices where Robin used to work in Cottonwood, AZ. For the next week, she put in her 40 hours while staying with friends Janice and Ernie, and spending time with friends she had not seen for at least two years. THAT was grand! After the opportunity to see a few more friends in Phoenix and San Diego and the usual rush, shop, buy, pack, re-pack (thanks Dianne of Springbok and Sheri), it was time to hop the plane back to La Paz, and just in time.


Diane and brother Wayne in Phoenix


It is always so great to see friends, and to see places missed, in the States ~ but it is always sooooo good to return to Martin, the cats, and the boat, and to Mexico.

Well ~ then it was time for Thanksgiving! And, the same day (Nov. 25th) was Martin’s birthday, so we had to celebrate ~ we did so on Sandman, with a huge turkey dinner with ALL the trimmings. Hats off to Chef Ron and Cheftess Kathleen for a wunnerful dinner! Lots of friends came by the boat, too, after celebrating Thanksgiving in different places, in order to offer Martin birthday wishes. It was all good and good fun too.

Kathleen had to have her birthday a few days later, so once again Sandman was put to the job of being the party boat  ~  we loaded a number of folks aboard, with lots of food and drink, and headed out to Isla Espiritu Santo to have a day in the sun and fun. Once again………fun was had by all!

Cheers to birthday gal Kathleen


So, that about brings us up to the present ~ the Christmas holidays. We hoped and expected that before Christmas we would be basking in Mazatlan, more water under our keel and back in a slightly warmer clime for the rest of the winter. Well  ~ we are still here in La Paz, and we guess this is where we are supposed to be, because WE ARE STILL HERE. There are many worse places for us to spend our time and the holidays! We dined at a local restaurant on Christmas day with about 16 other cruising friends ~ another delicious meal with good friends.

Cruiser’s Christmas dinner ~ lots of friends!


This is a time for reflection, thought, and certainly THANKS. We have soooo much to be thankful for ~ we have each other, our cats, many great friends, family, shelter, our boat, and lots and LOTS of love……and more. 

Finally, after 20 months, I can write here the words: DAWN IS FREE!!!!!  Our friend, Dawn Wilson, spent 17 months at the prison Ojos Negros, Ensenada, Mexico for carrying prescription medications without a (Mexican) doctor’s prescription….it isn’t really that simple, but that is the simple version…..and three months in a minimum security prison in CA waiting for the paperwork to be completed for her release. It is so very good to know that Dawn will spend her holiday season breathing air without any bars or doors to hold her.


Thank you for looking us up here on our website ~ we wish all of you an extremely wonderful holiday season, and a wonderous 2005!!!!

Come back next year for more   Cruising ~ The Cat’s Meow Style!